Problem of the gyroscopic stabilizer damping
Applied and Computational Mechanics, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 205 - 212
J. Šklíba (corresponding author: )

The gyroscopic stabilization of the vibro-isolation system of an ambulance couch is analyzed. This paper follows several previous papers, which concern the derivation of the complete system of appropriate differential equations and some analyses were provided there, as well. It was supposed that mass matrix, stiffness matrix and gyroscope impulse-moment remain constant and the stability of equilibrium state was solved according to different alternatives of the damping and of the radial correction. Little known theorems of the stability were used there. With respect to these theorems, vibro-isolation systems can be classified according to odd or even number of generalized coordinates.


gyroscopic stabilization, impulse-moment of the gyroscope, radial correction forces, Cardan frame, precession frame, Hurwitz conditions, complete dissipation, stability areas

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